Privacy and Cookies Policy

The personal data linked to this website respects the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, as a European regulation, and of the Spanish legislation in force regarding the protection of personal data.


will process the personal data collected through this website in compliance with the legislation and regulations in force. Therefore, the submission of data by the interested parties is entirely voluntary and is duly displayed.

Data Controller

The data controller is THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA). (SEVICA), with registered address at Raurell, 33 Pol. Ind. Camí Ra, 08850 Gavà Barcelona SPAIN

Purpose of data collection

The personal data provided through the website will be processed for the management of the contact or query made, and where appropriate, if subsequently commissioned, for the professional management of the service, administrative management, as well as record and archiving management.

Legitimacy for data processing

The legitimacy for the processing of your data lays on the consent you give when you continue to browse our website, or by sending the contact form or the query. In the case of a professional assignment, the legitimacy of the processing will lay on the contractual relationship established, and the fulfilment of the professional and legal obligations derived from it.

Communication of data

The data provided from the contact and consultation will not be communicated to third parties. If the professional assignment is subsequently carried out, the personal data provided by the client may be communicated to different official bodies (Tax Authorities, Social Security, etc.) as well as to other collaborators who may be involved in the fulfilment of the assignment (consultants, advisors, etc.).

Rights of interested parties

Any person has the right to obtain information on whether THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA), processes personal data concerning them. Interested parties hold the right to access their data and to obtain a copy of it, to update it, to rectify it if it is inaccurate, to limit or oppose its processing, or to request its deletion when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected. You also have the right to withdraw the consent given and to complain to the Supervisory Authority when you consider that any of the above rights have not been met in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR.

Exercising your rights

To exercise the rights detailed in the previous section, you should send your request, in writing and attaching a photocopy of your ID card, to THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA). (SEVICA), Raurell, 33 Pol. Ind. Camí Ra, 08850 Gavà Barcelona, Spain or to the e-mail:


THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA) informs you that it has installed cookies on its systems. Cookies are small text files that your browser stores on your computer’s hard drive. When you browse the THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA) website, the server will be able to recognise the cookie and provide information about your last visit. Most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but you can configure your browser to warn you on your computer screen when you receive cookies and thus prevent them from being installed on your hard drive.


In the blog section, users of the website can add comments. All information and comments received on this page will be considered to be provided free of charge. The user must not send information that cannot be treated in this way.

THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA), reserves the right to publish the comments that are sent and to remove all those comments and contributions that are not related to the content of the entry in which the comment is made, or violate intellectual property, respect for the dignity of the person, the right to honour, or that are considered discriminatory or xenophobic.

In any case THOMLOGIS, S.L. (SEVICA) shall not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through the participation tools.

If users include personal data in their comments, they must comply with personal data protection regulations, and they may exercise the rights regarding their personal data set out in the “Rights of interested parties” section.

Opinions and comments included in the blog do not constitute advice of any kind.